president obama made a speech at georgetown university, where the white house asked the university to cover up words and symbols in the background because they wanted a uniform platform from which he's given other speeches at other locations. and yet... people are causing an uproar saying that he's "covering up christianity" and giving him crap about showing respect by bowing to a Saudi king. do people not see that obama is trying not to step on anyone's toes? he's trying to respect all religions. he showed his respect to the saudi king by bowing - i'm pretty sure he wasn't worshiping him by doing that. different cultures have different actions that show respect. and he's respecting christianity by covering up a symbol, so that ignorant people don't take it out of context in his speech.
in his speeches he quotes the bible, and yes, maybe its taken out of context in the sense of building our economy on a rock and not sand but honestly.... christ taught those lessons because they are true and amazing. just because his metaphors are meant to be taken in the context of christ -- they also apply to other situations. like literally -- why would you build your house on sand? something that is easily moved, easily manipulated, easily blown away.... you wouldn't. you would build your house on a rock. something that is stable, secure. foundation -- it applies to many aspects of life -- so for obama to use it in context to our economy is in NO WAY taking it out of context in a harmful or disrespectful way. didn't christ give us these lessons so that we could apply them to all aspects of our lives?
i just don't understand how people can get so offended by one little thing... and maybe i'm missing some big conspiracy but i honestly think that our president is trying to do the right thing. people are so narrow minded... they see what they want to see and it annoys me so much! just chill and don't let stuff like that bother you. seriously.