
falling slowly, eyes that know me

yes, those are my awesomely 80's legging/socks - the multi-colored stripped ones, courtesy of Robert's Journeys purchase. We had the Staff Secret Pal party last Saturday night and it was a success! Most everyone dressed up 80's and had a great time taking pictures and exchanging secret pal gifts. camp is coming to an end. with only 4 days left, i'm starting to feel a little sad. despite all the reasons why i felt the summer was mediocre here... i'm beginning to realize that it wasn't. i'll take away some amazing memories from here, from all the people, and wally the chipmunk. isn't that how life works a lot of the time? sometimes you don't even realize the good while it's happening, but once time passes and you looked back on the memories -- they make you smile and miss that place or those people. true, i'm still here and true, i want to leave... but i know in a week from now, or a month, or a year... i'll look back with fond memories and i might just miss camp.

1 comment:

  1. I love your legging/socks so cute and fun! we needed them when we did 80's workout! lol
